Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Create A Wwe Entrance

Radio Maria del 04/03/2011

Dear friends,

the Queen of Peace launched a clarion call to all those who follow their children's idols of the world, instead of the living God.
Despite the calls will not listen and walk obstinately in the way of eternal damnation.
Our Lady reminds us once again that hell exists and is eternal. It is the consequence of our choice not to follow Jesus Christ on the path of salvation.
But just look around to understand what the outcome of a life without God and how many signs the Almighty sends us to call to conversion.
Our Lady therefore is aimed at those who responded to his call, because the help to save souls, by fasting and prayer, and witnessing the love of God to those who do not know. Both
questa Quaresima un tempo di rinnovamento spirituale. Svegliamoci dal sonno stanco delle nostre anime e attendiamo con fervore all'opera della nostra salvezza.

Vostro Padre Livio


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