Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reset Suburban Tire Sensor

51 ° course Caving Caving Club of Rome

Scarica la locandina in pdf

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rogaine Foam With Laser Comb?

Underground Castle Leaf

back from a photo on Castle Leaf (thank Dr Marconi for the availability and the hospitality bestowed upon a dozen cavers curious), I could not post at least a taste of the underground?? But just two photos ...
I think not.

A contour of the photos, reporting faithfully what is written on the website of Castle Leaf

A fascinating descent

A fascinating journey along three thousand years,
in the medieval village of Castle Leaf
through caves rich in archaeological finds. Travel

the "underground city"

Foglia, millennium village magically suspended between heaven and earth, has revealed another aspect that makes it unique and exceptional: a labyrinth of caves hidden in the silent darkness of the cliff.
The particular geological nature of the rock on which it stands has allowed the inhabitants to dig in the course of three thousand years, an incredible number of cavities that stretch, overlap, intersect below the modern urban fabric. They are a precious source of historical and archaeological information, only recently studied in an organic and science. If the "superficial" aspect of the village is little changed over the centuries, the underground structures that were functional have remained, largely, intact.

Where the tortuous path runs parallel to the rock underground, the light from panoramic opening sequence contends with a dark, seemingly endless, with tunnels, ladders, steps unexpected overlapping rooms whose walls you can read, in thousands of small niches, the age-old adventure of the birth of this "underground city".

is an extraordinary journey through time, an exciting and easy here in the heart of Leaf has its roots and preserves, almost intact, an unexpected and impressive memory.

Speleo Club Roma due authorization of the owner, will be back in the basement to make video-research and surveying.

Photo: Luca Cavallari
Support Photo: Joseph Trizzino

To learn more and learn more about Castle Leaf

Info: info@castellodifoglia.com

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Can Clonazepam Expire

Aqueduct located in loc. Formello (Mentone) April 10 to 11

'Aqueduct located in loc. Formello (Mentone), dating to a period that should be the IIIsec. the fourth century BC. AD is not precisely defined due to lack of historical information '. This is what
wrote cavers ( George Pinto and Tullio Dobosz) No news on 13 SCR

It was with George under a freezing rain and sometimes hail, which today we came back for a short survey (mostly curiosity and we had a shit to do ...) on the general state of the aqueduct, the entrance is almost blocked by vegetation (bushes and trunks) the practicability of the input is very clean.

at George

Nelle conclusioni del notiziario Giorgio e Tullio scrivono:
Ostruzioni calcitiche sono presenti solo nel condotto secondario che andrebbe rivisitato.
(vedi la foto che ho scattato in basso)

Credo che ci metteremo all'opera quanto prima (spero senza la muta sub) per vedere dove porta.

L'avvicinamento è decisamente da along with the boots.
As usual my new compact camera has taken more water than me ...

A quick re-insert the news # 13 of SCR downloaded online (googlegroup has deleted a few months ago without my knowledge ...)

Photo: Luca Cavallari
Info: George Pinto and Tullio Dobosz (News caving club of rome No. 13 December 2004

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Emu Boots And Water Spots


COURSE GPS - the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise

Course GPS
Mountain Training Course on GPS in the field for IGM and hiking maps (scale 1:10000 CTR e 1:25000 IGM )
Indicato e consigliato ad escursionisti, trekker, cercatori di funghi, Geocaching, SoftAir, a chi vive la montagna in solitaria o ci lavora.

Programma didattico teorico/pratico:

- Il GPS e la bussola - Gps e PC
- La cartografia (coordinate, scale, MapDatum e GPS)
- Il coordinatometro e il suo uso - pianificare un'escursione - Waypoint, tracce, rotte, creazione waypoint -trackback
- Trovare le coordinate sulla carta e/o riportarle sul GPS

Materiale fornito per il corso
Tutorial cartaceo e digitale delle lezioni
serie di Coordinatometri
Cartografia per uso pratico sul campo

PROGRAMMA - Arrivo a Civitella Alfedena at 15.00 on Saturday, meeting with guidance and the expert in GPS / guide, hotel accommodation and departure on a trip around Civitella Alfedena with the first approach to the techniques of waifaring, dinner at 20.00 restaurant with typical dishes of Abruzzo and around 21,30 / 22,00 hike starting in on an interesting path of the Abruzzo National Park using the right tool for the waifaring (GPS, compass and map). NOTTRNA EXIT and return to hotel at around 23.00.
the morning, after breakfast, starting at 6.00 for an interesting excursion to discover the wilderness of the park, the first hours of the morning will be devoted to wildlife affixed with pre-determined points during the day will be simulated special situations most likely to need to orient themselves in the mountains. Back to Civitella Alfedena for 17.00 hours.
COSTS - The cost of two days is € 105.00 and includes dinner on Saturday evening, overnight stay, continental breakfast, packed lunch for the hike on Sunday in three star hotel with double rooms and bathroom, complete support from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon in care of 'Acc Mountain Media and an expert in surveying and GPS, GPS pantry - (operational use in the field for the UTM mapping scale 1:25000 map scale 1:25000) and coordinatometro.
EQUIPMENT - Costumes Recommended backpack, trekking poles, hiking boots, heads suitable for medium temperature / low varying between 5 and 15 degrees (fleece, jacket, gloves, cap), compass, camera, binoculars, torch, trekking poles. Reservations by April 9, 2010.
DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY '- E (see scale of difficulty) on the home page in the Info / Trekking.
INFORMATION - For further information: Peter Santucci AMM College Mountain Guides at 335/8053489 or write to escursioni@labetullaonline.com.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ocean City Maryland Senior Week Rentals Condo

Paul Caving

Place with pleasure the latest in lighting caving friend Paolo Dori speleofotografo that needs no comment, but even better lighting designer and technical staff and photos.

new LED

Where Can I Buy Operation Repo

Paul Dori Dori Lighting - Lighting and photography Speleo Caving

© Branch of the Lucchesi Paolo Dori

Another striking image is that of these concretions that are within the class of the Lucchesi. These aragonite underwater, as if those were not enough out of water, but these are very special, as you can see. Anyone who has ever been faced with this natural beauty could not resist taking a picture. Here was simple: a pair of lamps immersed in the water here and create highlights and shadows that make the picture better, just as a diaphragm to give a little 'depth and here the picture. And of course it is forbidden to touch ...

un po' di dati Exif della foto per i più esperti, c'è scritto come ho fatto a fare quella foto, come potete fare tutti:

Model - E-300
ExposureTime - 1/60 seconds
FNumber - 4.70
ExposureProgram - Normal program
ISOSpeedRatings - 100
MaxApertureValue - F 3.50
MeteringMode - Center weighted average
LightSource - Tungsten
Flash - Flash not fired, compulsory flash mode
FocalLength - 32 mm
White Balance - Manual
DigitalZoomRatio - 1.00 x
SceneCaptureType - Standard
GainControl - None
Contrast - Normal
Saturation - Normal
Sharpness - Normal

Climbing the Lucchesi © Paolo Dori

treasures we have them in Italy, and precision in Versilia. Naica? What Naica? the secret dream of all speleofotografi like me would go, but that is not allowed. But who cares Naica go, we go Corchia, Versilia, what has been the passion of the whole thirty years to catch up with Marguareis caving. Our small Naica, that the uprising of Lucca, a place not easy to reach (now less than ever because it was eventually disarmed), where a treasure of Aragon and eccentric is the master. And what photographer would not want to be gone? Of photographers there were many, only a few good photographers.

The technique was different, yet I used lamps and a long time, and this is the last photo in the series "expect, the last shot and go down." Among other things I should go back and take a picture, just one, but there are already three times and I was so polluted that environment 'and delicate, with bitterness, give up on coming back.

It starts shouting: Yuri, feels a bit 'to get from them' and sit there. Who is at the bottom? "Scatolini" he answered. "Well, try to illuminate in this way, up, up, STOP! The silhouette of Yuri comes off in the darkness, framed by aragonite. And I bad ones, at the entrance, the other we have already photographed ..

TCKLACK! mechanical noise breaks the silence after my last "STILL do not breathe, no time to see the shot and puts all the equipment in place and leave again for the descent, 140 feet wet down ahead, the strings are gears, I'm afraid. The loop that leads to a fragmentation in the vacuum is squeezed to the sounds of maillon allong then, the watch and pray once again. Ok, you're splitting below, now the critical point is passed, is well worth doing some 'bathroom and so much effort for the result.

The following year, Another round, another race.

Go to Lucca once a year is not too bad, in fact. The photos are still not yet with the lamps and LEDs, those were still science fiction. What was the problem? apart from the energy dissipated by the heat lamps for 80% and then lost, but the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bhad lasted barely 20 minutes, and the weather was so limited by the battery that takes you behind the ascent of 140 meters Well that separates the tourist from Luchesi.

But, however, there was still, however, he would not enter my head in, something was not right. The dominant. With the lamps set the temperature of 3300 ° K white and the photos were exceptional, even if a long duration and wide open aperture but ... there was that color, that red coloraccio first but then liked the stove. Affect or will affect the still photos, eventually put aside because I did not like anymore. What to do? how to deal with this red color due to light?

The cold light of the flash, setting the car on warm, appeared blue, but how to justify and the blue light? The cave is not red, not blue, is neither black nor white, but then what color is' I'm shit about the cave? No better excuse than "the light in the cave is one that we carry us, so we bring the color I think." Prove the opposite if you can.

Paul threw up there, 'do' pretend to go see that group of aragonite.
A hot lamp, left, which creates a shadow in depth, and a flash to act as a backlight, and that kills the red light ... The time is long, it is not difficult for humans to make a lightning flash in seconds between the opening and closing the shutter. And another picture of a surreal place is captured.

trip to the branch of the river in Corchia
of © Paul Dori

Marino Vianello The river was in flood, with three LED lights are able to fill the room and see the photo well. The subject is seated on a rock which is normally a two-meter high water, the scenario this time was impressive.

Turning his back to the area of \u200b\u200bthe photo above, the mufflers which are usually half-empty were completely flooded. To see the river so Vianello 'happens once every four years or so, luck would have it, I was there' at a time like that. The water was so strong, an unheard-of power and a noise that was exceeded only by the chatter of children of Francis (the subject in the photo), properly tied because they do not fall into the water and dragged into the well of the meeting. The LED lights make the water too, the cave is like no other. Are no photos, those are feelings that are transmitted ...

is the moment the finger presses the shutter button, the shutter moves in less than half a second down and makes his rounds. Another feeling caught, now can no longer escape.

Tanone Torano

A quiet Sunday Tanone Torano dusting a bit of 'The apartment is equipped photo and caving. At some point we are facing the lake and find the missing steel cable stretched out previously for the crossing of the lake, and in its place we find a rope. I remain alone, the others are around to see the cave, there is a dinghy of the lake but do not get there, there are no lines to retrieve it. I decide to attack the court to the rope and try to cross. I have with me the photographic equipment, namely the two machines and a tripod.

I fear for the equipment, I do not trust the rope but I also hook and childbirth. The water is only three fingers from the body and it takes almost taste the lake to cross back and forth.
I look at the scene, I say to myself that could be the place to take a picture.

I come back with the equipment, the other aspect with LED lights and installation of the machines in the meantime. The others arrive, I send Franco on the opposite shore of the lake and I do a test light. I would say that ci siamo. C'è una luce sola, in controluce, il tempo è lungo ed il diaframma è spalancato, non riesco a stringerlo perchè non è sufficiente la luce e già il tempo lungo potrebbe essere dannoso, se il soggetto si muove addio foto. Serve un soggetto leggero, una donna. Due o tre prove, ed ecco il controluce. E si porta a casa la grotta un'altra volta, senza toccarla, lasciandola li' dov'è...

Diritto d'autore e immagine
La fotografia è protetta da diritto d'autore © Paolo Dori .
Tutti i diritti sono riservati e protetti dalle leggi italiane e internazionali sui diritti d'autore.