Monday, July 19, 2010

What Type Of Shots For Anemia

Speleonotte Report 2010

Other than 'The Long Night' by A. Gobetti (a leading figure of Italian caving), Speleonotte was an example of how spelologia as ever at this time is shared between the people and not caving ... The great hospitality of
Augusto Rossi and Simone Menegon still give proof of being not only excellent documentary (look at their recent work caving) also good organizers (as always).
Speleo Club of Rome We were there with the video on the ancient cave (which I refer you to vision)
of caving European characters were all there, gathered in front of a big screen TV, sitting on a lawn. exchanging opinions, sharing information, all in front of the wine under a starry sky. SCR
As we closed the show with the help of George, the human time of approximately 04:00 am, a bit tired, a little sleepy ... but there was a bit rincojoniti! Under

arrival in the pom, first photo documentation of Marco Lo Presti ...

The former church of S. Michele Arcangelo an , wonderful example of early Christian art

In the alleys of Cesi

the group's headquarters caving lands Arnolfe

The Dr. ssa Silvia Mogliazza (Archaeologist - Anthropology) and Voice-over Co-author of the documentary
George and Claudia photographer
Dr. Luisa Stoppa
Silvia, Marco and Luisa
The hermitage of S. Erasmo
George shows some photos and Luisa Silvia
The tramonto, aspettando la lunga notte della speleologia
appena accampati sul pratone del S.Erasmo da dx a sx Luisa, Silvia, Giorgio e Maria
Max Re in contemplazione mistica relax
Maria :-)
Nel mentre della presentazione del nostro video...
Io e Giorgio al moento della presentazione
Giorgio photographer
Il musicista che con il suo didgeridoo ci ha fatto attendere l'alba
Lo striscione di benvenuto alla manifestazione di Speleonotte 2010

Luca Cavallari