Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To Fly On Poptropica


It is said that nowadays there are more good souls who work for the good of others: Wrong.
Apart from all those (and fortunately there are many) who are busy in the various voluntary associations is an army of people (young people, mostly) that the indifference of the vast majority of people, devotes time and money (since they are the same thing) so we can have more money to spend and, ultimately, pensano, per renderci la vita più felice.
Io da un po’ di tempo a questa parte ho trovato (e senza averle cercate) un sacco di persone che sembrano talmente  preoccupate per le mie finanze che si ingegnano (senza che abbia chiesto niente al riguardo) per permettermi di risparmiare un sacco di soldi.
Mi contattano, prevalentemente, via telefono e si tratta di persone così educate che, fra tutte le ore in cui potrebbero telefonare, scelgono quelle in cui sono piuttosto certe che io non mi trovi fuori casa, o in bagno o comunque in un luogo, atteggiamento o posizione tali che la loro premurosa chiamata, potrebbe disturbare. Considerano my leisure, sacred, and that is why I do not ever call me when I'm home and I have nothing to do. They call at lunchtime, while sitting at the table. Almost every day, even yesterday.
Swallowing forcibly forkful of pasta I get up from the table, grabs the phone and ask, "Who speaks?"
other side of the phone the voice of the unknown philanthropist reassures me:
"Good morning sir. I hope I will not bother you (I said I was very polite). I'm Paul, the ********. I speak with Mr. ********?"
Voglio vederci chiaro, è meglio non scoprirsi, non si sa mai.
“Forse. Chissà. Lei che numero ha fatto?” interrogo. Quello (facendo finta di niente) non risponde e parte a razzo nella sua missione dedicata a proteggere le mie finanze.
“Signore, forse lei non sa che se passa a ****** può ottenere uno sconto del 20 per cento sulle chiamate verso fisso e del 50 per cento su quelle verso mobile. Inoltre se chiama nei giorni festivi potrà godere dello sconto del 70 per cento su tutti i  numeri della sua rete, così come nelle ore dalle 22 alle 6 del mattino on weekdays. "
Me: silence. What goes on:
"You, sir, will be entitled to 10 international calls at the same rate of domestic and for each incoming call will be charged 5 cents. This also applies to incoming SMS, for those out then you can make 300 a week for the first six months at a cost of 1 cent per message, and after six months only 5 cents per message. "
Me: silence. I did not understand a tube, towards the end of his phone call I have not even heard. In the kitchen I feel my wife, who warns, "The pasta is cool!" in bocca ho ancora il gusto dell’ultimo boccone mezzo abortito. Della chiamata di Paolo mi restano impresse nella mente solo poche parole inquietanti: c’è, pare qualcuno che vuole “ricaricarmi”: ma come si pemette? E perché devo fare 300 messaggi alla settimana? E a chi, poi?.
Entro in scena, immemore e ingrato degli sforzi del samaritano sconosciuto, e lo apostrofo:
“Senta, Paolo, mi faccia capire. In poche parole mi dica: se aderisco alla sua offerta pagherò le telefonate più o meno di adesso?”
“Ma, signor ********, What does it say? Less, much less "
here expecting it. Parto rocket:
"But you, sorry, who said that I want to save? If you really want to know, dear Paul, is a bit 'of time I find myself with little desire to spend, especially for the phone. Too little. In fact I'm looking for ways to spend more, indeed, spend everything, everything I earn and I can not. I do not want to put anything aside, I want to finish all the money I have, and you will understand why I abhor words such as: savings, deals, discounts, sales and three for two. I was hoping that, with its call, she would propose ways to spend more, and behold, five euro per call (including those received, of course) I would be fine. As for the sms I would expect such an offer, say, one euro per word. Excuse me, but his company cares too much about those who want to save anything and who wants to squander. But how do you stay on the market? ".
While hung up I heard the "clak" of his receiver, he had hung up first.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Mother In The Shower

OUTPUT of September 26, 2010 (Sunday)

On a beautiful Sunday morning here we are at last appointment six of us: myself, Barone, Panicacci, Caciagli, Giancana and burn.
Abbiamo optato per la solita e sempre appagante camminata sulla stradina che, tutta sul crinale, va da Balconevisi a Collegalli. Qualche pozzanghera (residuo della pioggia di venerdì) non ci ha certamente impressionati; l'aria fresca ci ha dato energia e l'atmosfera tersa ci ha permesso di godere dei fantastici panorami verso San Miniato (vedi foto qui accanto).
In due orette (scarse) abbiamo compiuto la nostra escursione e alle 10 eravamo già sulla via del ritorno, nemmeno stanchi ma soddisfatti per la bella camminata.
E ora speriamo di essere sempre di più a partire dalla prossima domenica!.

Monday, September 20, 2010

5 Month Old Has Dry Cough

Open letter to all the companions (of the Good Way, of course) I apologize

Dopo aver dichiarato a destra e a manca che questa volta (dopo il forfait di domenica scorsa) non avrei mancato di presentarmi all’appuntamento delle 8, ecco che anche in questa occasione il sottoscritto se ne è rimasto (tormentato da atroci sensi di colpa) a letto.
C’è da dire che era piovuto tutto il pomeriggio del giorno prima e un po’ anche durante la nottata e così, confidando che la pioggia ormai non sarebbe cessata, ecco che mi ero costruito un alibi di ferro (credevo) per giustificare la mia assenza.
Purtroppo il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi e così, è successo che domenica mattina la pioggia era, inopinatamente cessata ed un pallido solicchio faceva capolino tra le nubi oramai flebili e disinnescate.
Ahò, avevo already decided to stay in bed and I stayed there (in bed).
I apologize and I will try not to miss next Sunday even though the traditional show of early (to be punctual to the appointment) I realize with horror that, with the passage of time I have left more and more indigestible. Anyway, there are other things that do not sponsor the early rising: fewer friends present, the continuing absence of some colorful characters (Mori, Maresco, The Bully ...) the opening of hunting that gives even a small concern (would not be nice be taken for pheasants, pigeons steps ...) and, but this is the least, the time does not help to make decisions of the kind required (Get a rush, make requests ablutions, hairdressers presenting specific purpose and exit whistling usual square).
so I apologize to all those who attended last Sunday's appointment (have been numerous, I suppose) and I plan to try not to miss in the future.

Greetings to all

Monday, September 13, 2010

Whiplash Compensation Washington Dc

Like any quaquaraqquà ("man of little account" as spoken-Sicilian Mafia), after the usual absent thundered against the desert who had appointments at Sunday ' ex-high school, that's yours truly, hit by unexpected and incurable laziness stabbing (At least in time subsequent to the attack) on Sunday rather than get up and go to see if anyone had made the reunion of friends, if they have stayed in bed as a senior (or even new) any.
I ask forgiveness and pardon, from next Sunday I'll be there: word turtleneck.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome Address Samplechristian

NOT OUT of September 5, 2010 (Sunday)

This time, besides me, there was nobody, in the Piazzale del Liceo. Not a soul, I mean.
Sadly, after five minutes spent waiting for those who would not come, I went to make a turn on my own.
Question: The Fellowship of the Good Way still exists or is already dead and belongs to the past (like the dear, good, old things of the past that no longer exists)?.
course absences have affected a lot but, I ask, why give up a habit that can do no more than good to those who experienced?
wait another two or three weeks and then will only have to draw a veil on a story (not important to some, but funny) that marked the twenty-five years of his Sunday morning (once loyal) members.
Courage, then!