Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Make A Littleeinstein Birthday Cake

Prosciutto della Valle di Susa

marchio Prosciutto Crudo dell'Alta Valle di Susa
The production of ham in the Susa Valley is an old mountain tradition.
Delicious dishes well-known and present in the handouts of the House of Savoy, was once a culinary specialty almost out of business, usually produced for personal consumption from the pig farms of the slopes of Alpine Valley of Susa and Briançon.
Prosciutto Crudo dell'Alta Valle di Susa The recipe is very old and very special: the first leg of the salting of pork is deboned, pepper and treated with a mixture of chopped herbs - marjoram, basil, parsley and a little juniper - and marinated in white wine for 20 days.
The round is then dried, salted and wrapped tightly in a thin layer of pig intestine (in the past was used only the rind, but hindered the maturation of meat).
After a rest period and a final wash the ham is placed in the wine to age for 15 or 16 months.
The ham takes on this preparation with the scent of herbs, the tantalizing aroma of pepper, the memory of the steps in the wine. An intense flavor mountain to enjoy it with bread and cheese of our tradition.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Red White Wire To Headphone Jack

OUTPUT of October 17, 2010 (Sunday)

Ieri era piovuto tutta la notte così stamani qualcuno ha avuto paura a presentarsi per tempo all'appuntamento: e se fosse piovuto anche oggi? Chissà che fregatura per la levataccia andata a male!
E invece i Magnifici Sette che, pieni di speranza, si sono presentati al Piazzale dell'ex-Liceo, favoriti dalla fortuna che sempre accompagna gli audaci, hanno avuto ragione: nonostante il cielo fosse così e così non è piovuto, anzi, ad un certo punto un solicello pallido ma pieno di promesse ha scornato quelli che sono rimasti paurosamente al calduccio sotto le coperte.

Oltre a me c'erano dunque: il Chimenti, Barone, Panicacci, Brucini, Turi e Cerbioni; un pò di incertezza è sorta quando si è dovuto scegliere dove andare ma, dopo breve confronto, abbiamo stabilito all'unanimità di ripiegare sull'itinerario che, in casi di strade bagnate e boschi fradici, si adatta alle nostre disposizioni d'animo come il cacio sui maccheroni: a piedi fino a Cigoli e ritorno!
E così è stato.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Does It Mean When Someone Calls You Average?

eight months in a cage and dirt from the wounds 'death row' of foxes and minks

eight months in a cage between dirt and injuries
The "death row" of foxes and minks
Video with shocking images collected by Adi infiltrated in 30 fur farms in Finland

LONDON - A crazy fox from fear and despair, obsessively jumping from side to side the cage. Puppies born in mink farming, which will never learn to walk, because their paws are stuck in the grids of the cages, preventing him to stand erect. And then even more powerful images: faces horribly deformed by gums that grow to encompass the teeth, tails cut off, rusty cages full of excrement, corpses of dead animals eaten by cage mates.
STOLEN SHOTS - It 's because they show movies and photographs taken by volunteers of animal Animal Defenders International (ADI), which in recent months have infiltrated into thirty breeding foxes and minks in Finland, one of the four largest producers of fur in the world (is there from 8 per percent of the skins produced annually worldwide). Now their photographs and video recordings ended up in shock and in a dossier of complaint which was presented Friday in Milan, to coincide with Fashion Week, from ADI and animal AgireOra network.

THE COMPLAINT - From Milan, the Italian fashion capital, part of an awareness campaign in the coming months will turn the whole of Italy. A warning for designers and consumers, says Marina Berat, co-ordinator to act now: "To be responsible for what is a real torture animals is not only farmers but also the designers and their customers who buy fur. With this video we show them the suffering they undergo farmed foxes and minks, despite the assurances of the association of furriers in Finland than in other countries. "

decreasing consumption - According to data of the Italian Fur in 2008 started a downward trend in sales, a decline in sales of around 7 percent. At the world level, sales of fur sales decreased by 13.25 percent, from 15.02 billion dollars in 2007 to 13.03 in 2008. The European market is around € 1 billion and a half. "Although consumers are increasingly turning their backs on fur, some members of the fashion industry insist on proposing it in their collections. We hope that our dossier provides all the evidence to make a truly informed choice about using real fur in fashion "underlines Jan Creamer, chief executive of Adi. For this reason, the two associations call for the ban on factory farming of animals for fur, as they have done some nations: Croatia, Great Britain, Denmark (but only banned the breeding of foxes), and Austria. In Israel is considering a bill which even banning the sale of furs. "In countries which do not produce the live import market and this drives up the prices of clothing limiting the market. You can do more but at least it's a good beginning, "states la Berati.

CONDIZIONI DISUMANE – Le volpi in natura sono animali solitari e abituati a percorrere decine di chilometri al giorno. Negli allevamenti sono costrette a vivere in gruppo all'interno di gabbie minuscole, e cioè «a vivere una vita in contrasto con il loro istinto» spiega il dossier. I visoni, poi, abituati a passare gran parte della giornata in acqua, non possono più farlo. Prima di essere uccisi (spesso con metodi altrettanto cruenti, come una scarica elettrica proveniente da due elettrodi, uno in bocca e uno nei genitali), cosa che avviene a 8 mesi di età, conosceranno solo la paura, la fame e la sete, le malattie e le ferite, la sporcizia. Eppure la legislazione internazionale prevede il benessere animale even on farms. Instead of cages should be no fences with pools of water, adequate food, a den and even the ornaments that recall the natural habitat. We want to make a fur skins of 15 or 20 foxes and minks of 60/80.

"do not buy" - It 's extremely difficult to tell a real fur from a fake. The only method, according to the associations, is to cut the hair and burn it, to smell it. "We do not recommend buying either the heads or necks adorned with cuffs, because in most cases they are even there the real animals' explanatory AgireOra. "Wearing fur means showing poverty of spirit - Helder attacks Constantine another of the coordinators of Adi - There is no ethical consumption of fur is no longer acceptable to ignore the suffering of millions of animals. "

Giovanna Maria Fagnani
February 26, 2010 (Last updated: March 1, 2010)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pinkythe Shower Ponstar

Villa Adriana below

Some recovery in the Villa Adriana
Summer 2004 I believe with Marco Placidi
and friends of GSTodi

Monday, October 18, 2010

Japan Driver's Licence Template

OUTPUT 10 October 2010 (Sunday)

Bella giornata: in 7 siamo appointment, in addition to me: Alberto Chimenti, Caciagli, Panicacci, Baron, burn and Giancana Elephant.
nice day but little desire to make a long walk: two Oretta or less would have sufficed.

And so they left their car to the villagers here is our walk through the narrow street lined with a beautiful walnut wood to San Goro and then on the road for a while before descending to the valley and return to the car.
At times we were scared that the hunters were shooting too close to our path, but everything was resolved quickly and without problems.
breathtaking views, invigorating walk, what want?
next Sunday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Implantation Cervical Fluid

Montana Radio Network

Montana Radio Network, a project that is proposed as an auxiliary service and parallel to all mountain activities, in order to ensure the safety of human lives and environment-wooded mountains of Italy.

radio communications services in the mountains.

Make requests for assistance by radio directly to the agencies.
reporting of forest fires to the competent organs shutting down and cleaning. Request
weather conditions, the condition of trails and snow conditions.
Service radio links in the event of natural disasters.
Safety in free flight (gliding and paragliding).
Assistenza radio durante altre tipologie di operazioni (rimboschimento, nelle stazioni sciistiche, etc.).
Frequenze radio
Frequenze e canali radio monitorati a livello nazionale

PMR446 - monitor nazionale primaria

canale 8 / ctcss 16 (» 446.09375 MHz / tono subaudio 114.8 Hz)

LPD433 - monitor secondaria LPD

canale 8 (» 433.250 MHz)

Radioamatoriale VHF - monitor solo radioamatori

145.250 MHz

CB 27 MHz - monitor fuoristrada 4X4

canale 16 FM