Thursday, January 20, 2011

Homemade Car Trailer Plans

Cevrin di Coazze

cheese made for centuries in a small mountain village of Coazze, Val Sangone, was born from the need to use the mixed milk, cow and goat (at least 40%), milked in the pastures from spring to autumn.
The milk was heated to a temperature of 40 degrees at least, and junket. Place molds in a purge of maple or ash and dry salted with sea salt, aged at least two months in caves and cellars airy and fresh.

Small forms of Cevrin (the diameter does not exceed 18 cm and its weight varies from 800 to 1400 grams) a week were transported by mule into baskets to be sold at market Giaveno: their consumption and their spread was always very local.
It is fortunate that the dough soft and creamy, the flavor and spice nocciola non siano stati dimenticati - furono fors'anche apprezzati da un villeggiante illustre di Coazze, proveniente da lontano, Luigi Pirandello - e che il Cevrin, ora come allora, sia prodotto secondo tradizione nei Comuni di Coazze e Giaveno, in Val Sangone.
Il prodotto è oggi gestito da un Consorzio di produttori che ha adottato un disciplinare di produzione e ha registrato il marchio.
Il Cevrin di Coazze è stato adottato da Slow Food come uno dei Presidi della provincia di Torino.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Hotel

annual dinner of the "Companions of Buoncammino"

As has become a good tradition, was held yesterday, January 15, 2011, the annual dinner of the Friends of Buoncammino.
This time the veteran of our company, Alberto Chimenti, organizer of the event, a place he had discovered "new and unusually appealing:" Club Artusi, an inn (but the definition is not exact) obtained from a country house, where the owner and her staff are busy preparing from time to time, the most traditional dishes of Tuscan cuisine.
Almost thirty present, almost all accompanied by their wives, and also many friends (although not practicing) of the Company, all well together and happy to spend an evening in front of a good company and good food.
Artusi Club is located in an unspecified location between Molino and La Serra d'Egola, but the customers have not had undue difficulty to find it, aided in this by an Italian flag, even if not visible in the foggy night, suggested patriotically and clearly the place of the banquet.
The menu proved to be significant, especially in some courses (all abundant) among which the most votes and the unconditional approval of the relevant customers are going to Braised Baked Risotto and the Chianti.
E well, happy and playful company in the evening dragged on until midnight, a dinner for about three hours in which it has good looking you (in chronological order):
DISHES: Grilled vegetables

Sliced \u200b\u200b
Crostini Various (spleen, with mushrooms and sausage);
Mushroom Risotto (baked)
Pappardelle with wild boar
Tuscan artichokes upright
Braised Chianti (polenta)
and from there onwards, many have raised the white flag ...
loin of pork with roast potatoes
DESSERT: Apple Pie

Mineral Water
Coffee. and sorry if it is little.

giving himself repeated assurances of participation for the next similar occasion, played five minutes to midnight, members of the Society, salutatisi, have returned to their homes ended the grounds (and successfully) the operation edible.
NB: Some pictures of the annual dinner.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Top Lip Whitehead Wax

started the project for the discovery of the tomb Pope Alexander IV

Avviato il progetto per il ritrovamento della tomba di Papa Alessandro IV

Il Pontefice Alessandro IV scelse Viterbo come luogo di residenza, fuggendo dai conflitti e dai problemi di Roma. I cittadini di Viterbo gli diedero rifugio, fedeltá amore e sicurezza. Quando morì, la sua sepoltura, fu depositata nel cuore del Duomo di Viterbo, in modo che non potesse essere saccheggiata o riesumata dai suoi nemici. Sono passati giá 750 anni e, oggi giorno, la Chiesa e la Città intendono ritrovare la sua tomba, per portarla in luce con il grande mistero della sua sepoltura, la vita e l’opera di un Papa che è stato il più importante per Viterbo e tanto importante nelle faccende religiose e politiche della sua epoca.

Per citare brevi appunti della sua opera, possiamo mettere in evidenza che faceva parte della famiglia di Innocenzo III e Gregorio IX. Si circondó di una corte dei piú illustri saggi dell'epoca, san Bonaventura, sant’Alberto Magno e san Tommaso d'Aquino. Dichiarò come reali le stigmate di san Francesco, assicurando di averle viste e canonizzó santa Chiara d'Assisi ed Iñigo de Ocaña. Promulgò l’indulgenza with the bubble Ecclesiae School Catholicae that also served to organize the Augustinian hermits of inspiration, in one single order. Began preparations for a religious council in Viterbo. He was ordered the exhumation and transfer of the body of Saint Rose, and so began the most important religious festival of traditional and Viterbo. Hereby approved the creation of the University of Salamanca. Try to establish communication with the Church of the East. He tried to organize crusades against the Tartars. Appointment, the first archbishop of Seville. Hurled excommunication against Manfred ...

Objective The objective of this research is the discovery of the tomb chamber or tomb of Pope Alexander IV. We must not forget the existence of other assets (in history and features) than that of which we speak and that is probably under the floor of the Cathedral. An archaeological heritage who shares the same ground. That is the second major objective is the individualization of archaeological structures that bring us important information about the historical past of the city of Viterbo still almost unknown. The project involves the location of the legendary temple of Hercules, Hercules Castle or Castle of Lombard, perhaps one of the few castles EXISTING Lombards in Italy that can be studied. The location of this property and other places unknown could lead to identify the tunnels and underground tunnels.

provides a prospective study, Geophysics and electromagnetic technology, the last generation, non-invasive, or destructive, quick to take place in a few days, and very effective, which would make Viterbo one of the first places in the world and in archaeological research in ' application of these technologies. Methodologies used to find the tombs of the mummies in Egypt, the secret chambers in the pyramids of Mexico and ports disappeared under the sand, secrets of amphitheatres and Cathedrals as Santa Maria Maggiore and Tarragona where they found the temple of Augustus. The University of Tuscia, along with Univesità studies "La Sapienza", the University of Palermo and Granada (Spain) an international project realizzaranno unique value, with work involving the use of new 3D and comparing data from different systems work ever done in world.

phases of the project

The first phase of the project is that of electromagnetic and geophysical studies within the months of September, October or November 2010 to the limit.

The second phase of the topographic survey of the vicinity of the Duomo is scheduled for 2011.

The third phase consists of the most interesting archaeological dates from the geophysical study of the cathedral. It will take place in 2011, the year 's anniversary.

The creation of an International Conference, which will include making public the results of research studies on the life and work of Alexander IV, and a framework of 'Europe and, in particular, of Viterbo in 1300, his best time glorious, is planned for the years 2011 and thereafter.

Methodology of Investigation

geophysical research represents the most important aspect of the project for its innovation and good results. It will be run by leading experts d 'Italy and Spain, with new systems in 3D, and will lead to a comparison of the data, ever made in the world with a scientific interest in geophysics, archaeological research and the development of the city.

We will use three different systems to get as much information as possible, because each system provides data of different importance. And the more you will use - one of the machines - three models of different power, which will lead to a comparison of the effectiveness and results, never done in the world.
The systems are:

- Ground Penetrating Radar. Based on the emission pulse electromagnetically, and the collection of the reflections that occur during changes of the values \u200b\u200bof the constant dialectic of land associated with different materials. Reaches a depth of 4-6 meters. It uses four different models for comparison.

- electrical tomography. The method ERT (Earth Resistivity Tomography), electric current outlook is a technique based on a device that tetraelettrico introduces current into the ground and measure the difference in power that is generated. Reaches 30 meters, allowing you to see the walls, tombs, tunnels and the existing tunnels in the tuff.
- microgravimetrico system. The gravity survey measure la gravità dagli spazi e i materiali sotterranei. È da tempo utilizzata con successo nell'esplorazione geofisica delle risorse del sottosuolo. Di recente, con lo sviluppo di nuove e sempre più affidabili strumentazioni, tali misure sono divenute oggetto di un rinnovato interesse in ambito geologico, archeologico ed ingegneristico.
Questi studi saranno fatti dall’Univesità “La Sapienza” di Roma e le Università degli Studi di Palermo e di Granda (Spagna) insieme all’ Istituto di Geofisica di Andaluzia. E con lo studio e l’analisi da parte di profesori dell’Universita della Tuscia e di richercatori dell’Università di Seviglia (Spagna).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Custom Scenery For Rct3 Platinum

Speleo Archaeological Meeting of the ditch Olmetti

Ecco i miei amici, da sx a dx, Alberto Pichardo Gallardo, Massimiliano Vinci e Donato scattavo la foto!

Mitico Donato gia all'opera per la documentazione

La schiumazza non manca mai, direi che quest'anno è molto meno...

Si fa qualche foto ricordo...

Un ragno incartato da solo???

Una foto sotto a uno dei tanti pozzi

Below, Alberto is a sketch of the project on paper with some good bread and olive oil

pit Olmetti The aqueduct, now at home, I decided to settle tragicomically office for public relations chosen for a friendly meeting and working with Prof. Alberto Pichardo Gallardo Universidad de Sevilla in Italy for a major project.
Shooting obviously made with classic and simple compact camera have been made by his friend Donald Brien and myself.
ps: they were in the tunnel - Pichardo Alberto Gallardo - Donato Brienza and Massimiliano Vinci
I'm still looking for the exit ...
Luca Cavallari - directly dall'interno del cunicolo con connessione etrusco-wireless
ps: nevvero gnente dopo se semo annati a fà a carne aa'bbrace, pane abbruschettato e se semo bevuti er vino rosso der Donato...
si ringrazia per l'ospitalità il Parco natura la Selvotta .

Male Brazilian Wax Boner


Tratto dal blog:

Porta del vento Maquè perricone 2009

Background: Wednesday, December 22

about during my travels from the office to countless bars, check the door of the shop Taste of Italy Rosario Levatino, breathless and slightly rev up that tells me: "you go I have to talk. "
"Shit! yet the debt I've settled, "I thought going to not remember where and what to do. With head bowed
are returned shortly after, I open the door and tells me even more confused Rosario "you who are somegliè.
"Saggiami I'm 'a wine that my client took me back saying that it is undrinkable."

stop sweating and unconsciously touch my wallet, I escaped.
sgam But the pressure of having a defect in the wine purchased by a plus that he made a couple of courses somegliè makes me start over sweating, huffing and drift as an old fishing boat hit by the mistral.
The producer then had left me puzzled and I had previously talked about that.
I go back in confusion at the shop where he stands almost a full bottle of Maqui Perricone 2009 Porta del Vento di Camporeale (PA).
The lady is yes and no Winey a glass and has suddenly decided it was undrinkable, without giving him time to breath fresh air and stretch north to humid air. Voilà
Recap men in no time without appeal.
the Rosary has changed now with the bottle but the offending another group returned to the shop after only two weeks.
heard the story began to taunt me by saying that maybe it is oxidized, it is changed, it is stressed and other such bales. He altered
now more than I pay in two glasses, I under pressure as a test wheels, look, smell the liquid, and riannuso taste.
Shit is delicious, absolutely undrinkable!
Riannuso, riassaggio better.
So there we drink two glasses with taste and enjoyment, for shame I do not accept the third and regain staggering home.
A parziale discolpa dell’incauta acquirente i vini di Porta del Vento fermentati con lieviti spontanei senza controllo delle temperature e poca solforosa potrebbero avere note di riduzione un po’ sopra la media.
Bastava aspettare, noi dopo quindici o più giorni abbiamo bevuto un vino fresco e gioioso, frutttato con mineralità che premeva da ogni dove, buonissimo.
Il 23 passo da Rosario per fotografare la bottiglia ma era rimasto ancora un po’ di vino, beh l’abbiamo finito (è stato un lavoro sporco ma qualcuno lo doveva fare).
Minchia! Meglio del giorno prima, ora in bocca sembrava di spremere fragoline di bosco.
Ho raccattato la mia spesa e sono tornato a casa ancora più convinto che ne avrei scritto e che ne vorrei una cassa da sei in cantina e che il prossimo anno, se torno in Sicilia, Porta del Vento sarà un mio obiettivo.
Maquè 2009 perricone in purezza di Porta del Vento, Camporeale (PA).
Colore brillante che invoglia, rubino intenso ma non inpenetrabile.
Naso fruttato di ciliegia, prugne, frutta mai toni surmaturi e un chè di viola liquiriziata, spezie e poi mineralità prorompente con toni ferrosi ed ematici che evolvono e si sorpassano con la frutta e i fiori.
Fresco dannatamente fresco per un siculo, acidità presente che allegerisce la glicerina e l’alcool e ne rende calda, armoniosa la beva.
Terroso ricorda gli strati di terra rosso sangue della trinacria.
Ottimo, the problem is to stop.
Thanks for allowing me an unwary buyer that enjoyment. Aridity
the cellar:
Perricone is red grape variety native to the Sicilian port of the Wind are recuparando for its ability to preserve the acidity and freshness in the face of temperature and radiation that has undergone This is for me the true value of the native to the environment resulting in quality photographs without forcing the plant agronomic or without gimmicks.
fermentation with wine yeast, spontaneous in small oak vats with manual punching.
Aging in French oak barrels from 2,500 liters.

A Taste of Italy from Turin to about € 13.00.


Fracchia Posted by Louis at 05:51 2 comments

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Cigarette Experience Light Headed

OUTPUT of January 9, 2011 (Sunday)

8 Ben this time! (I refer to the participants in sgambatura). Besides myself, there were also Caciagli, Alberto Chimenti, burn, Baron, Panicacci, Cerbioni and his friend (can not remember the name) with a lot of Jack in tow.
The day was promising, with an unexpected pale sun and mild temperatures. Leave the car at the villagers and then we started for the road to the left to leave unless Moriolo Cusignano. At one point we found a stop signal: the comfortable white road that leads to the scenic hamlet of San Miniato was deeply concerned by a landslide: who knows how long will take to turn it back!. From Cusignano we went down into the valley until you reach the road leading to Cafaggio; follow it the other way we passed the Volpaio and then we arrived at the car park.
The tour was over. Two hours (low) of walking and good health for all participants.

NB: This time there are no photos. The "guilty" of the keepers of this blog who has forgotten the camera at Siena. Unforgivable!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Petite Irregular Period

Violino di capra della Valchiavenna

It starts: I wish Happy New Year to all, I want to present a very particular product, the violin GOAT Valchiavenna.
ham is a very rare and that is why I can only offer it on a few occasions. Starting tomorrow and until all you can find in our store.

This is a meat product that is unique to the thigh and the shoulder of goat. It owes its name to the shape of the animal which, with its paw a fungere da manico, richiama la cassa dello strumento musicale. Anche il metodo adottato dai produttori esperti nell'affettare i riccioli di carne con il lungo coltello, tenendo appoggiato lo "Stradivari" alla spalla, assomiglia molto al movimento che compiono i violinisti durante l'esecuzione di un brano. Il Violino della Valchiavenna è tipico di questa zona, dove la tradizione della lavorazione e della salagione delle carni ha radici lontanissime. Oggi si contano sulle dita di una mano gli artigiani che lavorano questo "Stradivari" secondo le regole tradizionali. L'usanza vuole che, una volta cominciato il taglio, solenne come un rito, il violino vada finito. Le occasioni ideali per consumare questa prelibatezza - meglio se accompagnata con del pane di segale and wine of the Valtellina - are the Christmas and New Year's dinners, but in recent years - thanks to the campaign to enhance the gastronomic association Slow Food has created by inserting the violin of Capra in the design of safeguards - this product is appreciated at all times.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sony Trinitron 36 Troubleshooting

ACADEMY OF MEAL - The New Year's Eve

As was expected, desired, advocated, early ... as we prepare for the future year's most anticipated, the evening when everything will be allowed, alla notte, anzi alla Nottata per definizione, quella per la quale da tempo abbiamo scelto il vestito più giusto, abbiamo formato la compagnia più divertente, abbiamo prenotato il ristorante   con il menu migliore e abbiamo scelto con cura la manifestazione alla quale Assolutamente non si può mancare: lo Spettacolone della Notte di Fine Anno!
La parola stessa evoca un’aura di trasgressione: finisce un anno; uno nuovo è in arrivo, la vita non finisce ma ricomincia quindi, sotto, diamoci da fare! Bisogna divertirsi   ad ogni costo.. voglia di fare pazzie, sparare bòtti, stappare bottiglie, tirare roba in   aria, cantare in chorus, dance street, kissing strangers, be willing (carefully) an adventure!
We had to wait until 9:30 to enter the restaurant (they had to first leave the guests who had booked for the first round), then finally sat down and warm, the menu here spans the legendary New Year's Eve! Crostini of land and sea, caviar sandwiches, sausages known and never seen, canapés colorful and mysterious, white and red wines, unusual ethnic rolls ... and is just the appetizer! A short distance then comes the pumpkin risotto, pappardelle with artichokes, crepes stuffed with salmon and gamberi…
E da qui in poi è tutto in sovrappiù perché nessuno, nonostante ci si ostini a voler assaggiare tutto, ce la farebbe più, stesse solo a lui, a mandar giù un altro boccone, ma.. è Fine Anno, siamo in compagnia di amici, la notte è giovane, il cenone costa come 4 cene normali e allora.. allegria e sotto con la forchetta!
Uno dopo l’altro la sorridente, ma impaziente cameriera (deve uscire a divertirsi anche lei, dopo) posa delicatamente i piatti sotto il nostro naso: arrosto misto (e accanto piattino con patate arrosto), lepre in salmì (e accanto, piatto con insalate verdi e rosse),e poi, sformato di spinaci, timballo di melanzane… basta! Mercy!
But the New Year has its own rules and then, in with the corny jokes awaiting the stroke of midnight (somehow one has to pass the time).
are only half past eleven, the cake with almonds, came too quickly on the table (along with the spirits), has already gone to reach the stomach, its related previously barely swallow .. At this time as it would be nice to lie down on the couch in the warm, dim the lights, take off your shoes and maybe take a digested Selz ...: Hey! You can not, understand?
We must make the ceremony of uncorking the bottle (with all that put their hands over her ears to show that they are afraid of the barrel), and then kiss everyone around us (even those of which we would rather avoid), and then, to greet all the other diners in and out in the cold to see the big shows Piazza, prepared by our Mayor immeasurable.
gone out like stepping into a Dantesque (Malebolge?). The streets are full packed with Smoking Barrels pulling bombettoni, girls and boys who embraced trudging zigzag completely drunk, barrels everywhere, emitting hissing spirals and then young and old of all genders (once you said " both "but now no one knows how many more ..) that have already made e strafatti (e non sono ancora le una!) siedono sui gradini delle case mentre altri cercano di riposare lasciandosi andare sdraiati sulle pietre della strada, tutte ingombre di cartucce esplose, carte e cartacce, bicchieri di plastica, bottiglie semivuote di spumante… Un giovane, ormai allo stremo della resistenza, piscia contro un muro, poco lontano dal viavai continuo della fiumana interminabile di gente..
Qualcuno ci affronta, la voce impastata: “Augui… Buonanno…” e fa un saluto che sembra uno sberleffo, altre coppie, in disparte si baciano interminabilmente (almeno loro), due energumeni cercano di attaccar briga con quelli che passano..
Riesco a farmi largo.. mi avvicino alla Piazza to look at New Year's Concert, but a human wall of backs, backpacks, horse people to other people's stops me: it is an impenetrable wall .. You hear voices, songs and music at full noise tolerance, we see flashes of light and one senses more than to see a tide of young people screaming and jumping with your feet together and hands outstretched to top ... They form as a human tide where the hands are the waves .. Hence you do not pass. He is also cold, and feels too much food in the stomach, his head a bit 'turns, I lose my pee (even to my friends) ... We're not just good ..
Somehow, greeted his companions that night, at home to get there, and only then shut the door behind him, you can rest.
But would not it have been better (less work, cheaper, healthier, smarter, and with the right company, vastly more fun) to stay at home? A good meal at the usual time, then a little 'freedom of chatter in the living room, and then to the TV where a good movie, bought for the occasion, ready to be seen in peace. At midnight, then you pour the champagne and enjoyed a slice of Pandora. We hug, we kiss ... and it turns off the television because there is so much better to do.
would be out an idea like this? Forget the sad rite the obligatory "to hell", refuse to binge a must, avoid the confusion's sake? Would not trigger the next New Year? We would not have the same problems that lie ahead for the pass despite our pathetic attempts to exorcise them by embarking on companies that brutalizes idiotic?
Meditate, people, meditate.