Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample Golf Tournament Flyer

SpeleoLessinia 2011 - PRETA in panic!

Convegno internazionale di speleologia Negrar (VR), 28 ottobre - 1 novembre 2011

La protezione avviene attraverso la conoscenza. Nel mondo della speleologia questa affermazione trova un fondamento radicale: il mondo sotterraneo è buio e invisibile per definizione, solo l'uomo - speleologo lo può portare alla luce.
Ecco quindi qual è Mission Research caving of the new millennium "Explore to learn, learn to save."
Keep a precious treasure, made of crystal clear water, minerals fragile, archives of the time we can tell things unimaginable.
The responsibility of the caver is to communicate to the community because there's invaluable in that Dark Continent that is still the largest frontier of unknown places of our planet. The international gathering of caving
2011 will be held in a land, a mountain, where the man and the environment were found to weave a deep relationship: Lessinia. Just
in the caves of these mountains were found ancient records the art of prehistoric man, from Shelter Sharp, the Ponte di Veja, the oldest cave painting discovered in Fumane, an anthropomorphic figure well-dated 36,000 years ago.
This relationship between man and the underworld has continued through the millennia to the present day.
is here, under pastures in the Horn of Aquila, which pages have been written in indelible explorations of the deep, the epic of Spluga Preta, a story that has marked generations of cavers from all over the world. But above all it is here that the "caving" has gained ecological consciousness, creating, in the late '80s, all these exploratory efforts are meaningless unless they are based on a foundation ecologist, a relationship of respect and appreciation between man and the world underground.
is where did the Horn of Operation Aquila, the first major cleaning and awareness, unique in Europe as the involvement of people, and traversabilità scientific completeness. The gathering
SpeleoLessinia 2011 to become a window into this man - the underworld, have an insight in the role that the cavers in the knowledge and preservation of the Dark Continent.
We want to talk about underground ecology, explorations of sustainable environmental protection with a vision not only superficial but "deep".
We want to discuss the direction of exploration caving and its ultimate significance Community.

This will be the site of the conference Speleological Lessinia 2011. The
site will be updated as they will provide the material to be published.
The logo of the event was designed by Daniel Peretti.
The photo header is Antonio Daniels.

My Photos section Biospeleology

Two Main Parts Of A Camera? Slr

The circles also come to affect the output speleofotografica

Their article about us (Speleo Club Roma) in pdf

Their Blog espeleogenesis

The Our research on wheels, photos and video documentation pdf

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Papilloma On The Uvula

OUTPUT of December 26, 2010 (Sunday and Boxing Day)

Nice day, but it starts getting cold. No matter: it goes! And here the square ready for invigorating walk after a number of lunches and dinners for Christmas. In fact many are not, but good, yes. In addition to me is the Alberto Chimenti, Francesca Brotini the (present after a long absence), and Turi Cerbioni with attached Gekko (jack) in tow. To be precise also had materialized, and from places unknown direction, Baron Ammannati, but has been told that, due to lack of time, leaving us free to go where more they liked it, preferring that he (the Ammannati) devote sgambinata with short burn.
along the reeds on the bank
Panorama with San Miniato
This time, therefore, new horizons! Everyone in the car until the chain of Turi, where, crossing the main road, we are on the dirt road until it ends at the shore of a dam. And so, away with the smooth! Adventure and trusting of our (me included) sense of direction we wandered a little here and a little further, for banks, reed beds, wet roads and fields until, often correcting the route and avoiding locks, dams various and wild dogs, we came in sight of the cemetery of St. Peter. From here, directing a nose back. The unusual sortie was over after 2 hours and go walking. Prosit!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Up Convert Surround Sound Receiver

Anguilla marinata di Comacchio

enclosed in the Po, the Rhine and the Adriatic, the Valli di Comacchio, a wetland is important from an ecological standpoint, but also a unique example integration between the natural and human activity. From time immemorial, in fact, here are fishing and farming extensive number of valuable fish species: eels, sea bass, shrimp valley. In particular, the eel, snake-shaped fish that reproduce in the Sargasso Sea, but makes the life cycle (7-10 years) in inland waters, it was important for the local economy.
When sexually mature eels feel the urge to migrate to the sea to breed, are caught using lavorieri, dams located near the openings of the valleys to the sea and in the internal channels, designed to capture adult fish at the time of their migrations, while allowing the entry of new specimens in the valley. The eels, which come alive in the market, may essere consumate fresche seguendo le innumerevoli ricette tradizionali, ma, data la concentrazione della stagione di pesca in un periodo molto limitato (prevalentemente da novembre a gennaio), è tradizionale marinarle in aceto per conservarle.
Le anguille cotte allo spiedo sono poste in recipienti di legno, detti zangolini, insieme alla salamoia. Il segreto sta nella cottura e nella materia prima: l’anguilla selvatica di valle. Importante anche la composizione della salamoia: la ricetta classica prevede l’amalgama, in ogni litro di aceto di vino bianco, di circa 70 grammi di sale marino di Cervia e un bicchiere d’acqua. Infine si aggiunge una foglia d’alloro.
The eel worked so keeps its organoleptic characteristics for several months, once it was eaten at Easter.
The Presidio
The presence of factories in the Delta for the marinade of eels is secular. The most important center of this work was to Comacchio, in the Manufacture of the Navy. The adult eels live arrival at place of work placed upon Marotte, closed vessels characterized by cracks that facilitated the replacement of water and, therefore, the survival of fish (Marotte convoys reached the Italian markets, coming up in Naples). The plant eels were selected, cut, skewered and cooked in iron schiodoni front of the fire-burning fireplaces twelve. Until recently, the catch of the Valleys was sold fresh or processed outside the area. The Parco del Delta del Po Emilia-Romagna, in collaboration with the municipality of Comacchio, has completed the recovery of the ancient Hall of the Fire of the Manufacture of marinated eel and now works in accordance with the most authentic traditional technology.
Production Area: Valli di Comacchio in the Parco del Delta del Po Emilia-Romagna (province of Ferrara and Ravenna).


eels are caught from October to December and are pickled only in winter. The tin can be kept throughout the year.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Hip Pain, Cervical Mucus

ACADEMY OF MEAL - E 'Natale! It 's Christmas! GREETINGS

Already, but what about Christmas?
I knew (or thought I knew) that the Christmas that is celebrated on December 25, is a special day, the day when we remember an important anniversary, no less than the birth Jesus the Saviour.
Besides the name "Christmas" is nothing but an abbreviation for "Christmas Day", as if to say, the day of the birth more important for Christians, the Birth to Autónomas as Chi One who is born will defeat death.
This, and nothing less than this, was the Christmas of my childhood, my parents and children and their parents and so on, proceeding backward in time almost to the beginnings of Christianity.
the evening of Christmas Eve, Holy Night, the family always found time to meet in a short meditation before the nativity scene, nativity scene that the parents, aided by younger, had taken steps to set up in previous days.
In my house there were strict rules about this. After the mother had delivered the surface of the chest that sat in the hall (And that would have been the only place fit for purpose, the theater of passion play), the father pulled out of the box where the statues had been lying forgotten for a year and examined them one by one to see if they were not damaged in somewhere. I, for my part, I was already busy in the days before the hard part: finding the moss. The moss! Moss, today say lifting the air with nose in disgust on hearing the vulgar word, but, believe me: it was not moss, not least what I found. I found the beautiful moss, nothing more and nothing less, fat, wet, green as an emerald green lizard from the skin of healthy and fragrant earth winter. Puts it, divided into large sheets, in a bag of fabric and dancing on the construction of the Nativity was pulling out, available to the father and mother who prepared her chest carefully on the surface of which it was completely covered except for the part where it would go to the hut and a more central rotunda, where her mother put a small circular mirror that served as a pond. The hut was put in a corner, in full view of anyone entering, and inside was a small light bulb, hidden in a small light lit up the widespread and mysterious. Branched off from the door of hut made of sawdust and a road behind the cottage was made with paper parcels across a twisted and steep mountain slopes where to place at the discretion of sheep and shepherds. The shepherds were there, in unstable equilibrium and in certain poses that were almost so little spontaneous affection, who turned to the right, who left as if looking for a way to get from that awkward position where someone had kicked them while the sheep were lying scattered in the rocks here and there like fish out of water, even if the contract were to browse to anything, was to swear that the grass in those places, there was even a shadow.
Nearby the hut of the Nativity, great ferment. A sparse crowd of laundresses, pastors, clerks, housewives, farmers wandered cheerful air and pulled around. There were also a grinder, a storyteller, an Arabian camel, a black boy, and a fisherman with a lot of barrel (fished in the mirror), as domestic animals and poultry, galore. Turkeys, geese, pigs, goats, cows everywhere, and even camels, camels and an elephant. A swan plastic (match with the rest of the company) wallowing in the water of the pond proud and decent (always the mirror).
Father for the last cottage available to the protagonists in the whole scene: Mary, Joseph, the ox and the donkey, mentre la paglia dove dopo mezzanotte sarebbe stato deposto il Bambin Gesù restava nel frattempo desolatamente vuota, e c’era da chiedersi perché Maria e Giuseppe restassero inginocchiati e in atteggiamento adorante davanti ad un giaciglio dove ancora non c’era nessuno, ma forse già presagivano chi sarebbe arrivato e non volevano farsi trovare impreparati... Per finire sul tetto della capannuccia si incollava una fiammante Stella Cometa (di cartone ricoperto di lustrini) mentre i Tre Re Magi, per far parte della bella compagnia, dovevano rassegnarsi ad aspettare ancora qualche giorno perché nel Presepio prima del giorno dell’Epifania la mamma, custode ed interprete delle Scritture come una Cristiana della prima ora, non c’era that we put into them.
And like mine, every family had its own crib, and every church, every school, every frat circle ... I remember every Christmas Eve I and my friends went to church (at Siena Like to churches, at least then) to visit the Nativity, and there were those famous, some musical, some artistic, monumental and living ...
night, we children went in bed all excited: that we would take the strain? The strain was the popular abbreviation of Christmas, it was said "Pel strain is everyone in the family," or even "Soon is the strain" and I think probably the word derived from the custom of putting the rural heart of the family a nice block of wood on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus no, that was not yet born.
The next day we kids just get up, go! Still barefoot, with his mother behind us shouting: "Get your shoes, your cool!" S'arrivava in a flash before the fire and there were gifts. Well, maybe I should say "the" more than a gift because it was difficult to find. Once a train, another gun with lightning strip, then gradually you learn to read, came At 12 books ... we went to the cathedral for the Mass and in the afternoon to tour some of the relatives who, in exchange for a "Merry Christmas, Uncle" and a hasty embrace, you always stretched. Ah, I forgot to lunch that day was the legendary baked chicken with roasted potatoes, and finish the gingerbread and ricciarelli ... What a great Christmas! What a beautiful Christmas! What a fantastic, wonderful, unforgettable Christmas!
Then, slowly, disguised as a commercial transaction but planned as a military campaign, it came, slowly, secretly, but quite resolved to prevail, the real enemy of Christmas is true: the fat dall'occhietti mushrooms and purple nose, the big joker covertly pedophile dressed all in red with a leather belt and boots to his knees, was quite happy with the candid expression witty and well-kept homeless covertly camaraderie, the explosive was not averse to-be- knows-where to oust from his pedestal made of real history, felt religion, popular culture and sound the dear old crib, he was Santa Claus!
nothing was before. The lecherous old man took possession of beating the Christmas crib and replacing the humble popular religion the disruptive power of thousands of commercial products advertised everywhere with persuasive advertising campaigns but obsessive and relentless. Santa! But what he wants? How was it allowed this tasteless gadget Coca-Cola to replace none other than Baby Jesus?
do not know, nobody knows. I only know that has been done and that by Dec. 25 anniversary of a historical fact and religious has become a happening of the most useless and unbridled consumerism, in the likeness of Mother's Day or Father's one, a kind of Day Gift or expenditure at all costs.
... ... ...
Baby Jesus was born today, as over two thousand years ago, in a manger. A little more just, a bit more but forgotten today, as then, is born to us, to die for us to offer, for no apparent reason and without any merit on our part, despite and in spite of us Santa Claus, nothing less than salvation , nothing less than eternity.
Thank you, Jesus

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feeding Gecko Pinky Mice


Again, like last year, there was the snow to put us to postpone the dinner at the end of the year the Company Buoncammino.
In my
therefore offer this modest little virtual photos to wish all members of the Society and their families, to all the supporters, all participants in pectore and even the simple visitors of this website:

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Patrones De Crochet Gratis

Nuovo servizio di consegna

Come to shop, choose the gift you give a delivery address and your gift will be delivered within 24/72 hours throughout Italy.

Monday, December 13, 2010

French Cookware Brands

Brìsaola (bresaola artigianale)

Among the various testimonies that attach to the motherhood of Valchiavenna bresaola there would also be the etymology of its name derives from Italian archaic brazing, ie fire, in dialect brisa. In fact, bresaole were once dried the heat of the embers and chiavennasca that not only is the only one that still smoked, but it is also the only one to be more accurately called Brisaola joining the original etymology. Of course it is only a hypothesis. According to other
bresaola was originally a sausage made with venison, and the name comes from the union of the word breont in some Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bmeans deer and "sal," salt. However, historical records prove the use of salting the legs of beef Valchiavenna since 1400. In the short path from
Valchiavenna the Valtellina, the Brisaola has not only changed the name but also the recipe, and it is easy to see that this mutation has not been determined by the few chilometri di viaggio, quanto dalla trasformazione da prodotto artigianale, quale era e continua a essere in Valchiavenna, al salume industriale che è diventato in Valtellina. Di fatto, l'antica e pregiata brisaola chiavennasca al momento è un dinosauro gastronomico sopravvissuto in pochi esemplari dentro a qualche macelleria di Chiavenna.

Da qualche mese a questa parte abbiamo il piacere di offrirvi nel nostro punto vendita la brisaola di Chiavenna in tutti i suoi tagli:

La brisaola magatello si presenta sempre magra, ha una forma cilindrica è il taglio ideale per famiglie.

La brisaola sottofesa si presenta con leggere venature di grasso e per this characteristic is the Brisaola the stronger taste ideal for gourmets.

THE HIP TIP Brisaola
The tip of the hip is a classic Brisaola universally known, tender and a characteristic bright red color with no streaks.

For slinziga, using the same select cuts of fresh beef, but compared to the normal Brisaola of smaller size and irregular shapes. The process of spiciness, salting and seasoning, and requires doses ridotti.Ideale time for a snack with friends and fun to be sliced \u200b\u200bwith a knife, the slinzegha is to be included among the cold cuts high craftsmanship.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Free Onlie Sample Letters Requesting Donations

OUTPUT of December 12, 2010 (Sunday)

Finally this morning it was not raining, it was so cold, not windy and I felt it and then finally, after too many absences, I am looking perky appointment of the former School of the 8 o'clock, ready the ritual trek. Actually, the sky was not quite clear but the clouds che c'erano non davano l'aria di essere cattive dopo tutta la pioggia dei giorni scorsi. Non  avrebbe piovuto, lo sentivamo, e così siamo partiti con le auto verso la Borghigiana senza nemmeno prendere gli ombrelli. Eravamo in nove; ecco i nomi dei partecipanti: io, Giancanio, Brotini, Panicacci, Baroni, Cerbioni, Caciagli, Brucini e Gennaro.

L'itinerario l'abbiamo inventato lì per lì dando credito a Giancanio che aveva proposto come meta Casale, così, imboccata la strada che va a Gargozzi l'abbiamo lasciata di lì a poco salendo sulla destra fino ad incontrare una casa. La strada sembrava terminare contro un cancello, ma un uomo ci ha detto di provare a salire. Così abbiamo fatto ed abbiamo continuato a salire anche allorquando un pastore ha provato a dissuaderci dicendo che tanto non si poteva arrivare a Casale.

 Fregandocene dell'interessato consiglio (il Tizio non voleva che si scavalcasse il suo recinto per paura che si rovinasse) abbiamo proseguito imperterriti. C'era un recinto di rete metallica ma, trovatovi un foro, ci siamo passati e, con un pò di fatica, siamo saliti in cima alla collina. Da lì dopo poco siamo giunti a Casale e da lì, in breve, alle auto, a completamento della nostra camminata.

Nelle foto:
- Una parte della comitiva in cima alla collina
- Parte del gruppo davanti al panorama di San Miniato
- Il Caciagli impegnato a superare l'ultima difficoltà.

Ovviamente tutte le foto dell'escursione si possono trovare sul link del Buoncammino (indicato qui a lato): sono identificate dal prefisso BC 2010-12-12.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Do Wisin Y Yandel Wear

Aperture straordinarie mese di Dicembre

To make your Christmas shopping simple, Taste of Italy will remain open every day during the month of December, at the following times:
pm from Monday to Saturday from 9 to 20:30, Sunday and holidays from 10 am to 13:30 and from 16 to 19 and 30.

What Does A Weak Pulse Mean?

Spain - photos

Here they are to complete the intrepid speleofotografi exit underground practice of photography, many have taken with other cameras with simple compact or almost no possibility of control by the photographer, keyword was fun and the ability to quickly learn a few things on lighting continuous light (dichroic and LED) and the use of flash servocellula (used three including pop-up camera)
Thanks to all participants Members of Underground Rome
Location 'Aqueduct pit Olmetti' Formello - Rome
In January there will be the next photography course Belowground

At work ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Car Dealer Cover Letter

ACADEMY OF MEAL - With this water and the wind ...

Ragazzi, chiedo scusa.
L'ho visto che (prima volta nelle ultime domeniche) questa volta non pioveva, ma che volete farci se non me la son sentita di alzarmi alle solite 7 del mattino per essere puntuale all'appuntamento. Actually I got up and I also looked through the window where the hills were clearing due to a timid solicicchio all committed to wanting to give to understand that throughout the day, no, it would rain.
But it had rained the day before, and the one before, and the one before that. It had rained almost every day of the week was going to end, and almost every week had been so. I thought about how the shoes would be icy, and the muddy roads, woods and meadows and motos, I thought the strange mist autumn sworn enemy of the good photos, I thought the views of almost invisible and I made a decision, but suffered irrevocable . I went back to bed (where I recovered a remarkable dream interrupted a few minutes before).
Forgive me! Forgive me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chlamydia Charts 2009

ACADEMY OF MEAL - The conditional

As everyone knows, to know how to use the conditional and the subjunctive is a reliable indicator of good knowledge of Italian.
"I would be if I could," they say, meaning that a will can be exercised only "on condition" that a certain event occurs.
"Do not marry him for sure, if he were not so rich," they say of disenchanted young lady, rather than the reasons of the heart, si lascia convincere dalle opportunità economiche offerte da un certo matrimonio.
Ma il modo condizionale viene assai utile anche quando si vuol dire e non dire, lanciare il sasso e ritirar la mano, fare una confidenza e smentirla subito dopo, svelare un segreto con l’aria innocente di chi riporta le confidenze di un altro, e così via. Va da sé che un modo verbale così disimpegnativo (perché deresponsabilizza chi se ne avvale) e prestigioso (perché conferisce al suo utilizzatore una pàtina di cultura a buon mercato) cade a pennello  negli studi telegiornalistici delle reti televisive dove ormai l’informazione è principalmente gossip, carry over more or less verified rumors and predictions that will prove increasingly unreliable enough (if not weird).
is therefore, used to communicate news from gravure which are always immediately disproved, with the air scoop to tell a tragic (a brawl that ends with a dead man stabbed) pettinatissima the RAI journalist will dare to tell us that "it would be a violent fight broke out last night leaving a bar near Pavia. The fight, likely triggered by trivial reasons, would involve two people, including one in Eastern Europe could be a foreigner. The two were soon fell to the hands and then the dispute would be degenerate. The police, promptly intervened they would have found the corpse of a man, white, of indeterminate age, lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Next to him could be found a knife, it seems to flick, which, according to an official of the Force, who preferred to remain anonymous, is not inconsistent with the likely weapon of what you envisage as a possible homicide. It seems that the man's body was transported to the mortuary of the local hospital, maybe you could access an autopsy to determine the possible causes of death. " (E, in conjunction with this idiotic commentary scroll through the images in succession: an overview from the area of \u200b\u200bthe crime, photos of the sign of a bar, three police officers who speak, from the waist down shot of people walking on a sidewalk interview with a young man, framed by the shoulders and says, "I have not seen anything "cars passing through a street, a red and white ribbon in front of a car with POLICE written, three girls walking fast, strictly framed from behind, driving directions using the name of the country).
Conditional Long live!